AEC VDI Solutions

Top VDI Solutions

Unmatched by any rival solution on the market, including Microsoft Azure WVD, our VDIPOD platform offers:

Full integration with Active Directory

Simplifying user authentication and saving you time.

AEC VDI Software for the Internet

Preserving your connections and security posture for web and content filtering.

Protected Common Data Environments

Enabling easy collaboration between project teams and joint ventures.

No minimum number of users

Allowing you to trial the solution with small groups.

Why VDIPOD is different

AEC companies can collaborate at scale and in new ways with our AEC VDI solutions: internally, with clients, with external partners and right across the supply chain. Forming a ready-made collaborative workspace for application communities like AutoDesk Revit and other BIM applications, enquire about Creative ITC’s top VDI solutions today.

Five reasons why VDIPOD is the first choice for…

ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERSNo longer chained to desks and can work from anywhere with internet connection.

Better experience with bulky apps like AutoDesk Revit, Bentley microstation, Photoshop and InDesign.

Much easier to share and transfer files.

More effective version control for plans and designs.

Higher productivity, especially when working on-site or meeting with clients.

CIO'sNo more provisioning delays or CapEx spikes.

Simple commercial model charged monthly per user with profile trading options.

On-demand agility, connecting new offices and users simply by adding licences.

Data stored in one location in the cloud, reducing the risk of a breach or loss.

IT teams get more time to focus on innovation and transformational projects.

IT TEAMSSpin-up new services and desktops in minutes.

No more buying infrastructure every time user count is exceeded.

Less time spent on tasks like desktop management and software upgrades.

No need to hire and train VDI specialists to maintain service and user experience.

No need to carry spare server capacity just in case it might ever be needed.

JOINT VENTURESMuch easier to extend Common Data Environments to partner companies.

Shorter setup times, mobilising teams and getting projects up-and-running quicker.

JV staff and experts not hindered by time zones (follow-the-sun model).

High-end building information is worked on collaboratively, in real time.

Teams are able to better pool knowledge and modelling.

Broadway Malyan case study

Broadway Malyan boosts productivity and collaboration with seamless switch to remote working

AEC Technology Trends & Innovation

The extent and pace at which AEC firms innovate determines their competitive strength. Our London event tackled issues head-on with real-life experiences from AEC leaders and IT experts.


This guide explores the key points you’ll need to consider when searching for a remote working solution that improves workforce mobility and productivity without increasing IT cost and complexity.

VDIPOD: Desktop-as-a-Service solution

A Desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) solution purpose built for business continuity, workforce mobility and global collaboration. Don’t just allow working from anywhere – leverage it.


Creative ITC Masterclass with - Rob Smith





If you have a question or need our help. Get in touch.

    Our London HQ

    Birchin Court, 20 Birchin Lane,
    London, England, EC3V 9DU
    +44 (0)20 7682 2820



    9:00 AM to 5:30 PM
